4 weeks straight, and on St. Patrick’s Day as well!!!  I can’t believe that I can actually be on time with something.  Time management was always something that I have struggled with for a long time now,  and instead of planning, and doing a little bit, it became an overwhelming task.  We have found a new Website of the Week, as well as articles from across the spectrum of general fitness, strength training, movement and mental goodness, among others.  If you have seen an article that you believe should be in the weekly list, please send it through.

Website of the Week

I always feel better when I can share some of the wonderful local pages that are making a difference in the community that I live in.  This is one of them.  Believe me, when autumn and winter roll along, you will wish you got on Nikki’s website earlier….

Nikki Wagner Nutrition

General Fitness

Now I can hear people from miles away screaming “this is bullshit”, but the facts don’t lie.  Look at the physical inactivity statements for starters.  They tell the story of people who are not moving.  Moving is crucial for brain health, for mental health.

9 research findings that shows education needs sport

I don’t mind the content from Born Fitness.  It is always well researched, and well written.  So, if you are struggling to drop body fat, this could be of great assistance.

Want to burn more fat? Add this to your fat loss plan

First things first.  This does not apply to general population.  Unfortunately, you are not working hard enough.  Secondly, understand that doing nothing does NOT help you get better.  Thirdly, brilliant article..

Quit resting so hard and restore instead

Charlatan.  Scammer.  Liar.  Mentally challenged. And these are the nice things I have to say.  Do not get conned again.  Fool me once.  Shame on you.  Fool me twice.  Shame on me.

Belle Gibson makes new health claims

Movement Goodness

Foam rolling.  Called a gimmick by some, while others use them as light sabers.  To the rest of us, they perform a job, and we nearly always feel better after using one.  But, do you know if they are really effective?  Well the smart people decided to look at all the research and put their thoughts on paper.

The effects of self‐myofascial release using a foam roller or a massager on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance: A systematic review

Pull ups.  One of the great tests of physical power, but what do you do when you have shitty shoulders?  Glad you asked.  Let Dan get you the right information.

How to modify pull ups for painful shoulders

Walking.  The cheapest exercise we can ever do.  You don’t need fancy shoes, or headphones, or Strava, or an elephant.  All you need to put one foot in front of each other.  But yet, it is one of the most underutilised exercise programs on the planet.  It must be because people expect more.

New study shows that more time walking means less time in hospital

Strength Training

Yes, I know.  Girls can’t squat.  Girls can’t do push ups.  Girls.  Girls.  Girls.  Read the article.  Realise how your words and squatting technique can be corrected by, GASP, by a girl….

Squat like a girl

I must say I do like the writing style of Alex.  It really gets the brain working.

Old Man Training – Part 1

Dan Pope and crew at Fitness Pain Free are smart.  And helpful.

How to modify deadlifts for Lower Back Pain

Diet and Nutrition

The protein supplementation market is huge, with figures around the $14B.  So what does it mean if you think protein powder is all the same, and you cough out big $$$ for a shitty product?  Well we now have a place to check their claims…

Top 10 Protein Supplements

I know.  Click bait title.  What are they selling.  There must be a catch.  But there isn’t.  It is just a well written piece on what you should be eating.

3 foods you must eat if you want 6 pack abs

Ah wellness.  The mention of that word has people’s heads falling off.  They think of detoxes.  They think of wellness shakes.  They think of removing toxins from their body by drinking lemon water. Understand that if anyone has the title “Life Coach” get a really good understanding of what their life is like first.

Wellness gurus part of the Australian Health Problem

Just eat your fucking vegetables.  No.  Don’t put them in a shake.  Don’t stir them in water.  Just eat them.  Chew them up nice and good.  They are really good for you, and if you say you don’t like vegetables, then I say you haven’t tried every single vegetable.

What to do when you don’t like vegetables

Mental Goodness

Routines.  We use them to drive to work.  We use them when shopping (if you don’t you should), and when use them at night-time.  But when it comes to exercise, health and diet, we just try any new, fan dangled way.  Put daily consumption of fat in your coffee?  Fuck Yeah.  Too busy to eat properly?  Get on the shitty shakes.  Put some routine into your day, and see how much better you will perform.

The power of routine

Seems like the article above and this one share a common message, albeit being much different.  Planning doesn’t have to be time-consuming.  Pick a date in the future, enlist the assistance of some experts, and work with them to build a plan.  Take into account that there will be bumps and stops on that path, but believe it in.  After all, it’s your path.  No one else’s.

Take the long look: How to plan (very) far ahead in order to reach your goals


We hear it all the time “You look slimmer today?  Tell me your secret”, or the old “Hasn’t such and such got fat.  They must have some issues”.  This is a wonderful article..

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Comment On Someone’s Weight

To me, Todd Hargrove is always on the money.  Let him guide you through the maze of experts and gurus.  I do hope you can tell the difference after this.  If you can’t re-read again.

Experts and Gurus: What’s the difference?


In a world where people are selling everything to everybody, your profession should stand you above most things.  Like Travis, I have huge issues with those that are using their identity to “sell” products, and not just any products, those that are known not to do anything, apart from take money off you, most times in very large amounts.  Very well written article Travis.

4 things it’s not okay to do as a Fitness Professional

This article came through other means, and it’s a great one!!  If you follow certain people on social media, at the bare minimum understand if they are credible, and have a background (notice I said background, not backside) in what they are talking about.

Fitness trainers, Instagram community and other “wellness” people, we need to talk.


Started Reading

This is such a great book, and one that every coach worth their salt should have read, and have on their shelf.

Periodization Training for Sports