This is a photo of a home made cupcake. It is made from butter, sugar, flour. It has some icing which has been made with colours and flavours. And it tasted great!! As you can see there are 5. In the group, there are 6. Each person had one each, while two other people shared one. It was tasty. Well it was to me, and the others who had them.Now, there are people who will bang on about “artificial” colours and flavours being the devils work. They will tell you that sugar is “poison”. They will also tell you these cupcakes are “bad”, without understanding how they were made. And I get that, but not because of the reasons they are getting carried away with. Yes we eat too much. We aren’t mindful about what we are stuffing in our mouths, on an hourly, daily or weekly level. We simply don’t understand. If home made cupcakes are going to be demonised from our society, we have big issues. We have a society who are walking around like zombies, trying to survive off 4 hours sleep. We have a society that are getting too little Vitamin D. We have a society that sucks in stress, like they are sucking in air. We also have a society that is eating too much ultra processed foods, which are laden with fats, sugars and salt because it tastes “good”.
At the School we focus on the big three rocks. Movement, nutrition and recovery. If we don’t move, we feel like we can’t because of our joints. If we don’t eat wholesome, nutrient dense food, we get sluggish. If we don’t recover and sleep well, we feel like we have to stay inside to get all the work done. We then eat food at our desk, and come mid afternoon, we head to the vending machine for whatever falls out for the amount of money they have. “Hey John. Can you loan me $1? I need that double Mars Bar to get me through”.
If we can fix the world by eating more cupcakes, then I for one would want to try. Bake some and share them at work. Better yet, take the cupcakes outside and make people come to you. Think of it of like the carrot dangling in front of the horse. If we can get people to move a little more, get them outside into the Vitamin D, and get them to engage with other people face to face, instead of behind a screen, or on a phone, I think the world will be a much better place.