Strength & Mobility
Small Group Training
You have a bunch of friends you like to train with. They like similar stuff to what you do. They are all focused on getting to the gym and training. Small group training is for you!
The group sizes at the School are limited to no more than 10. Why? Well it’s because as coaches, we like to coach. We like to get to know our students. We like to get to know what their interests are. What they have been up to. Where they are going.
We focus on making the body stronger, and our mind more resilient. There will be exercises that you will most likely have never done before. There are some that you will done before, but now are doing the exercise properly with correct form. There will be some cursing and some complaining, but at the end of session you will stand back and think “Did I really just do all that?”
If you like to throw things around, if you like to try something different, lift a weight you never dreamed of, and want to feed off the energy of the group and work for each other, then let the School design sessions you have never had before. We can create a group around you or you can join an existing small group. Motivate each other and get strong together. After all, strength is the secret sauce.
Ladies Only
Ladies shouldn’t lift! Ladies should only do Zumba and Pilates.
Well here at the School, they not only lift, but they pull and push sleds, use the top rack for dumbbells, and pull their bodyweight (plus more) from the floor.
We all know that the Country Women’s Association (CWA) is where “stuff” get sorted out with cakes, and cups of tea, but here at the School, we sort it out with iron. Oh we also have time for coffee and cake.

This is like a Metal Men’s Shed for blokes.
We lift stuff. We move stuff. We talk about life. We joke about life. We banter. We banter some more, and then a little bit more. But in the time that is spent here, our strength improves. Our mental health improves. Our flexibility improves, as does our outlook on life.
Some people say that resistance training is the fountain of youth, and to a degree, I agree with this. But it also has to be in a quality environment. This is what the School is all about. A quality environment with quality humans.

Mixed Group
Strength and Mobility with men and women. How good is it!!
Women getting stronger. Men getting more mobile. Chatting about life in general. Having a conversation about work, families, dislikes, where the best coffee is.
This is why we are a little different. Our group sessions allow for these type of discussions. It is not bootcamp. It is not Crossfit. It is not a pump class. But they get plenty of work done, and clear some head space as well. Remember, you are coached through the movements, and if you have an injury, you are given a regression to allow you to undertake the exercise component.
The best thing is everyone loves working together.