This week for me is a special week.  Why?  Because this is the fifth week I have been able to get this blog post out, and I am pretty chuffed about it.  We have found a new Website of the Week (and it will literally be a website you won’t be able not to keep going back to).  I have also grabbed articles on every single aspect of health and exercise, including nutrition and movement.  We also take a look at how important the mind is to exercise, as well as material that will make you think about who we are as humans.

As always, if you have seen an article that you believe should be in the weekly list, please send it through.

Website of the Week

Well this site blew my mind.  Click on the link and type in your subject of interest.  Mine was exercise (well of course it was going to be.  I couldn’t really search on drinking Guinness from a straw while eating caramel cheesecake could I).  The response was jaw dropping.  Everything from hypertrophy, to energy systems, to bio mechanics and insulin and glucose relationship.  Now I have a feeling that I sound a little like Willy Wonka (and honestly that’s not a bad thing), but if you have an interest in learning, then this could definitely work.

Show me – Learn and discover ANYTHING

General Fitness

Why does Greg Nuckols always appear in the quality articles?  Well apart from the fact he rocks a monster beard, is as strong as ox, and would definitely be one of the most well liked people in the industry.  So whenever Greg releases a new article, it is shared.  Shared here.  Shared on my Facebook page, shared in groups.  The quality is always there…

Hardgainers. What we know about non-responders

Such a shame that this didn’t the air play that it deserved.  Maybe they needed to kill puppies in the ad.  Looking forward to seeing more outcomes on this.

Type 2 diabetes has been “reversed” in 40% of patients for 3 months

This is another article that didn’t make it to any news or radio platforms.  Why?  Because good news stories about exercise and its potential benefits to helping reduce cancer.  Maybe the title would have been “Exercise cures cancer”, and people wouldn’t have read it because it is not some new wonder drug, or being flogged by a celebrity.

Exercise induced bio mechanical changes and their potential influence in cancer: a scientific review

Movement Goodness

Dan Pope.  Thank you again.  If people don’t get on this quality (and free material) they have rocks in their heads…..

How to modify the squat to eliminate painful pinching hips

Gold Medal Bodies, or GMB, have been one of my long go-to pages on bodyweight training and what we can do to make our bodies better.  After all it’s not all about curling in the squat rack.  As an adult, we very rarely play, unless it’s sitting down in front of a console or TV.  Let play guide your movement.  It will definitely allow you to recover quicker…

Make play part of your practice

As a coach, we should contact with physiotherapists, osteopaths and others that allow us to put bits of pieces into our rehab bag.  We should have the knowledge and experience to put exercises in play for homework that will allow the recovery to be better…

How good is your therapeutic exercise programming

Damn you Cor-Kinetic and your great articles.  Looks like I had better share this as well…In all seriousness though, we tend to get all wrapped up in rehab, that we firget this one variable….Go on click on the link.

The missing rehab exercise variable

Strength Training

We all hear people that squatting wide is bad.  Squatting narrow will break your back.  low bar sucks.  High bar is terrible.  But what they don’t want to hear is what Greg has to say. Take it away Mr Nuckols.

Squat stance width

Dr Mike tells it like it is.  And you had better pay attention….

Fitness Myths – Magic Exercises

Dan Pope and crew at Fitness Pain Free are smart.  And helpful.

How to modify deadlifts for Lower Back Pain

Everyone wants triceps that hang off the back of their arms, and when they flex them, it’s like a ham leg coming to life.  If you want to get those triceps better, let Dean Somserset clean up your technique….

Want to do dips? Check this first

Diet and Nutrition

Pancakes!!!  Anyone for pancakes???

Simple protein pancakes

Now while this tested on cricket players, there is no reason why it could not be applied to across the board, especially with the pre-season starting earlier and earlier.  The issue is though, we still have coaches who think that water is for the weak…..

Effects of dehydration on cricket specific skill performance in hot and humid conditions

Food.  We all eat it.  We all love it.  Some of us even worship it (settle down Orthorexics).  What we fail to recognise, however, is the very thing that sabotages our good deeds in the gym.  If you struggle with food, then this post from James Krieger could be the very thing….

A lesson in energy density and palatability

There has been some interesting discussion on this recently.  Alex Viada did a post that shook the internet up, followed closely by Kennet Wale.  Then this beauty was released by James.  While I understand the issues surrounding the incorrect use of the word “Detox”, let James take you on a journey for you understand things a little more.

Detoxing is Bullshit (expect when it’s not)

Mental Goodness

I have never suffered from a migraine, but from what I can decipher is that it’s like someone has a bowling ball and they are throwing it around and around inside your skull, while squirrels are busy hoarding their winter nuts.  If you do suffer from migraines, and have no idea what could be causing it, then this could be extremely helpful.

9 common foods and drinks that can trigger migraines

Sports stars.  We watch their every move.  Buy their products.  Ask them to sign our shirts.  But do we ever stop to think about what life will be like for them when they finish?  At the end of the day, it makes no difference to us, we will just head off after the next big thing.  This is a great article, and should make you think about the next time you see a superstar.

Andre Agassi: “One day your entire way of life ends. Its a kind of death.”


I am just at a loss why people care so much about what others think.  In the way that I look at the world, if someone wants to do something different, then good on them.  There is no reason for them to be judged, or ridiculed.

All the feminine things men would say if they weren’t judged

This should be at the forefront of people’s thought patterns when dealing with everyone.  We are tending to engage less with the heart and mind, and more in a combative state…

Engage the heart and mind through the connected classroom


Coaches.  If you do not know what a sports specific exercise is, you have two choices.  Either understand your sport and read the article, or hand in your coaching certificate.  That’s the only two choices you have.  Let’s hope you choose the first one.

Sports Restrictive vs Sports Specific Exercise: How to avoid damaging our athletes

Spotting.  One of life’s little mysteries in gyms everywhere.  To some, it’s lifting the majority of the weight and claiming your training partner has a new PB, to drinking tea while the bar sits squarely on your partners neck while his struggles to get it off, while you tel them “You got this bro”.  This is a solid article on the ins and outs of spotting, and how to do it safely….

How to spot a client and keep yourself safe

Started Reading

This is such a great book, and one that every coach worth their salt should have read, and have on their shelf.

Periodization Training for Sports