Welcome to 2017 – The first of the year – 27th January 2017
Well hasn't January just flown!!! Seems like 2 days ago I was saying goodbye to 2016, and now we are nearly at the end of January. Next week I will be another year older (and hopefully wiser) This...
Week ending 24th July 2016
Wow. The second installment already. How the time flies. This week I have taken the liberty is sorting them into sections: General health and Fitness Mental health It's all about building habits...
Week ending 17th of July 2016
First installment of the weekly readings from the School. You will find everything here from diets, movement, sleep, nutrition and some other “stuff”. Hope you enjoy it Source: Week ending 17th of...
Hiccups – Do you get them, and how do you get rid of them?
Hiccups come in many forms. They need to be addressed.
What is your why? What does it look like and how do I find it?
You hear it and see it all the time come New Years Day. All these New Year’s resolutions based around a common agenda to get fit, lose body fat and give up the "bad foods”. It is then exacerbated...
Fading away
"My god!!! What have you done? Are you not well? If you keep going, you will end up in the hospital!!" "Don't you think you are taking this exercise thing a little too far? Look at you, you are...
Positivity – Is it all worth all the hype and work?
We all see them. Those positivity freaks, who ALWAYS seem to be generally happy about their life? Are you generally positive, or do you believe that those people that are mostly positive aren’t...
Motivation and the mind. How to control the voice within
There you are. Looking at the bar. You have squatted this weight before. You know you can do it. But, in the back of your mind there is a voice, and that voice is telling you can’t. Every time you...
Strength. What is it? How do you get it?
The Oxford dictionary defines strength as a mixture of being physically strong, being able to handle great force or pressure, as a potent mixture, a good and beneficial quality and the number of...